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Saturday, 30 April 2011

DVD player

Besides the rocking chair being my savior, so is Jonah’s portable DVD player. Many times when I need him to settle down, I would make him hold his lil dvd player and watch tv. Sometimes, I need him to sit down while I’m studying, or while we’re in the car..etc. Perhaps giving him the tv when he is crying isn’t the best way to deal with him, but hey, a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do!

Friday, 29 April 2011


I have really great news. For the first time EVER..Jonah sat down at a restaurant and behaved himself. I was pleasantly surprised! Maybe it was because the restaurant is really’s called The Rainforest, and it really does look like one. Every half hour, the fake animals in the restaurant make noise and move around a lil. Jonah loved it! Check out the pics of Jonah eating his mac and cheese!


Thursday, 28 April 2011


Shopping with Jonah in Houston is basically a…disaster. sounds kind of mean, but’s hard to shop with kids! If I let him out of his stroller, he runs away and we’ll have to catch him (he’s pretty fast). But if I put him in the stroller, after bout 15 minutes he’ll start crying to get out. Either way, I lose. I remember I took him to a shoe warehouse, and I didn’t take the stroller. He ran around the place like a wild animal. The supervisor told me I had to calm him down, so my cousin took him with her in her car to wait. At the mall, it was a bit better because there’s lots of things to see. He stayed in the stroller a bit longer, but still after about half an hour or an hour he got pretty fussy. I used to give him chocolate, chips, cookies..all the junk food. JUST so I can get some stuff done.
I think the next time I go to the states, I’ll definitely have to go with someone like my mom so she can take care of him while I go shopping. Shopping with kids is quite impossible!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Chuck E Cheese!

Today I took Jonah to Chuck E Cheese for the first time...and he REALLY had fun.
I made sure this was the first place he went..because, of course, Jonah comes first! He didn't want to leave the place, and he actually enjoyed their pizza! He kept on asking for more..enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Air Plane Ride

Soo..from about Feb or March we decided that Jonah and I would go to Houston for the last week of Easter Holidays. Ever since then, I've been dreading the air plane ride. As you have read in my previous posts, Jonah is a tad bit wild. He doesn't like to sit down! and the ride to houston was 2.5 hours..

I packed my trusty DVD player, doritios chips, coke, juice, and hopes that these would entertain him. Well, the dvd player battery died in about 20 minutes. I swore i had put it to charge the day before, but i guess not. he refused to eat the snacks.

he was asking me to take him to the bathroom every 15 minutes. i guess he wanted to go for a lil walk. so every single time i had to ask the man next to us to get up...poor guy.

but overall, he behaved....decent. it could have been much worse! i entertained him by singing to him, counting with him, taking pics with him, and having him hold my ipod.
i took one pic in the plane. >


Monday, 25 April 2011

Sea Captain!

Jonah has the love of the sea in his genes..and I've realized at the easter trip that he loves boats!
He's always asking us to take him in the boat. And any time we do go in a boat, he wants to drive it..right next to my dad!
Check out the pics!


Saturday, 23 April 2011

The beach!

For the first part of easter we took Jonah to St. Georges Caye. If anyone had fun, it was him!! He looooved to play in the sand with his toys. He would even attempt to make sand castles. But, I think he's a lil too young to master it! So i helped him make some....but as we made it, he would stand up on it and break it up. Perhaps that was the funnest part.
We took him to swim in the sea, but he claimed it was too "wet". I guess he meant cold, because the water was quite chilly!

Enjoy the pictures!


Saturday, 9 April 2011

Moms can have fun too!!

Well, I won't lie. I do enjoy going out with my friends at nighttime. Who says moms cant have a social life? We are regular human beings too! In fact, we may need to go out more than other people to relax and relieve some stress.

I hate it when people have negative comments to say about me when I go out. I leave my baby with the people I trust the most - my parents. They treat him like their own. PLUS, I don't leave the house until Jonah is sleeping, so he doesn't even know I'm gone! All my parents have to do is sleep close to him so that they can hear if (which he wont) wake up. Not a lot of work for them either.

So..other moms..don't feel any way if you want to go out. You go out..and have fun.


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Bath Time!

I think that Bath Time is one of Jonah's favorite activity for the day. As I tell him "Bath Time" is eyes light up!
He does, however, hate shampooing. He gets angry with me when I put shampoo in his hair! But too bad for him, it has to be done.

But back to the fun part. He splashes and jumps around and play in his lil tub with his floating boats and balls. He never gets tired of his bathtime toys.He loves the "fishies" and he loves when I put bubbles in the tub too.


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Albums completed!

After a lot of hard work, I can say that I've finally finished Jonah's picture albums (well, up to now). I've been sooo behind for a long time. The only pictures I had in the album were of his birth. But about two months ago, I printed over a hundred pictures at Chetumal. I've organized them during my free time, and now they are all in!
I've labeled the albums in order..and it looks great standing up on the shelves! Now, Jonah can always go back to those albums (and so can I) to reminisce.

I suggest that all other parents have organized albums of their kids' childhood. We need pictures to remind us of the bring back memories! And don't wait too long to print the pics out and putting them in the'll get lazy like i did! As you take pictures, you should have them printed shortly after.
I'm sure your kids will appreciate the time and effort put in those albums!


Saturday, 2 April 2011

Hates doctors

Every time we have to take Jonah to the doctor, it’s a problem. He even remembers the building from the outside. So as we get near it, he starts screaming and crying. Even to weigh him is a big problem. The only way we can weigh him is if I get on the scale with him (then I get on the scale by myself and we subtract the two).
Then, to get him in the doctor’s office is one of the hardest tasks. He fights and kicks everyone around. It’s such a shame too, because his doctor, Wendy Rios, is a sweet and caring woman. She is so gentle and kind with him. He probably thinks that she will give him an injection for each visit..but it’s not like that. He should realize by now that it’s not always bad! Sometimes we just take him for a little check up.
I gotta talk to him and let him realize that it’s for his own good!

Friday, 1 April 2011


I am sooo excited to say that...JONAH IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED!
Ahh, it feels so good to say that. We had a rough start though. First, he hated wearing briefs. He much preferred diapers - yes, it is weird. And he always made mistakes, especially the first week. I was always washing dirty briefs and cleaning pee on the floor. Oh the joy...

But at least now I can say that it was all worth it. He barely ever makes mistakes. He always informs us when he wants to go to the bathroom. I must also mention that we now don't have to buy diapers! yay! Those were really expensive!

Now, the next task is to make him go through the night in briefs. I normally change him to a diaper while he is asleep, because he sleeps in my bed and I wouldn't want him peeing in it...
Most days I notice that the diaper is completely dry. But some days he did pee. So, maybe when he's older I'll push it. But for now, all I'll do is take him to the bathroom and hope for the best!
