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Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Summer plans

So..i’ve SOON come to the end of my school year. So many decisions to make. Summer school or not? Should I get a job? Should I volunteer? Should I just stay home with jonah?
Well, I wanna do all!
I’ve decided to take 2 classes in the summer, which will be finished in the morning. So I’ll have all afternoon with Jonah. Then, for the second session of YWCA’s summer programs, I’ll volunteer. It should start right around the time summer school is finishing. Then, for the job part..I’ll definitely work from may 20 until summer school starts, and then again in August. I’ll be working with my mom, so I know I will always have a job there!
But I still have my final exams to concentrate on. I feel stressed right now! I hope everything works out..i'll put my all into this!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Mother's Day

Today is the second time I’m celebrating mother’s day! Jonah brought home a lil vase with a sunflower growing in it from school. He painted the vase and on it was a little note that said “mom, you are my sunshine. I love you!”Awww..that melted my heart! Also, he bought me a lil decoration that says “Happiness is a hug from mommy”. How cute! I love mother’s day!:) I hope all the other moms felt as special as I did!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Family is Home!

I love when May comes around..because my brother and all my cousins are back home from college! Jonah loves each of them, and he has a special relationship with every one of them. My brother is his godfather, so they have a cute little bond. My brother, Jordan, takes Jonah outside to play ball or to swim (hint hint, I get a lil break ;) and my cousins always bring back the cutest outfits for him too!
Everyday someone comes to visit’s always fun when they are around. I love my family!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

At caye, we painted eggs and filled them with candy. Then we made Jonah search for them in the sand! He loved it! I hope all you moms..sisters..brothers..etc have fun with the lil kids and make them have an easter egg hunt! Check out the pics!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

DVD player

Besides the rocking chair being my savior, so is Jonah’s portable DVD player. Many times when I need him to settle down, I would make him hold his lil dvd player and watch tv. Sometimes, I need him to sit down while I’m studying, or while we’re in the car..etc. Perhaps giving him the tv when he is crying isn’t the best way to deal with him, but hey, a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do!

Friday, 29 April 2011


I have really great news. For the first time EVER..Jonah sat down at a restaurant and behaved himself. I was pleasantly surprised! Maybe it was because the restaurant is really’s called The Rainforest, and it really does look like one. Every half hour, the fake animals in the restaurant make noise and move around a lil. Jonah loved it! Check out the pics of Jonah eating his mac and cheese!


Thursday, 28 April 2011


Shopping with Jonah in Houston is basically a…disaster. sounds kind of mean, but’s hard to shop with kids! If I let him out of his stroller, he runs away and we’ll have to catch him (he’s pretty fast). But if I put him in the stroller, after bout 15 minutes he’ll start crying to get out. Either way, I lose. I remember I took him to a shoe warehouse, and I didn’t take the stroller. He ran around the place like a wild animal. The supervisor told me I had to calm him down, so my cousin took him with her in her car to wait. At the mall, it was a bit better because there’s lots of things to see. He stayed in the stroller a bit longer, but still after about half an hour or an hour he got pretty fussy. I used to give him chocolate, chips, cookies..all the junk food. JUST so I can get some stuff done.
I think the next time I go to the states, I’ll definitely have to go with someone like my mom so she can take care of him while I go shopping. Shopping with kids is quite impossible!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Chuck E Cheese!

Today I took Jonah to Chuck E Cheese for the first time...and he REALLY had fun.
I made sure this was the first place he went..because, of course, Jonah comes first! He didn't want to leave the place, and he actually enjoyed their pizza! He kept on asking for more..enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Air Plane Ride

Soo..from about Feb or March we decided that Jonah and I would go to Houston for the last week of Easter Holidays. Ever since then, I've been dreading the air plane ride. As you have read in my previous posts, Jonah is a tad bit wild. He doesn't like to sit down! and the ride to houston was 2.5 hours..

I packed my trusty DVD player, doritios chips, coke, juice, and hopes that these would entertain him. Well, the dvd player battery died in about 20 minutes. I swore i had put it to charge the day before, but i guess not. he refused to eat the snacks.

he was asking me to take him to the bathroom every 15 minutes. i guess he wanted to go for a lil walk. so every single time i had to ask the man next to us to get up...poor guy.

but overall, he behaved....decent. it could have been much worse! i entertained him by singing to him, counting with him, taking pics with him, and having him hold my ipod.
i took one pic in the plane. >


Monday, 25 April 2011

Sea Captain!

Jonah has the love of the sea in his genes..and I've realized at the easter trip that he loves boats!
He's always asking us to take him in the boat. And any time we do go in a boat, he wants to drive it..right next to my dad!
Check out the pics!


Saturday, 23 April 2011

The beach!

For the first part of easter we took Jonah to St. Georges Caye. If anyone had fun, it was him!! He looooved to play in the sand with his toys. He would even attempt to make sand castles. But, I think he's a lil too young to master it! So i helped him make some....but as we made it, he would stand up on it and break it up. Perhaps that was the funnest part.
We took him to swim in the sea, but he claimed it was too "wet". I guess he meant cold, because the water was quite chilly!

Enjoy the pictures!


Saturday, 9 April 2011

Moms can have fun too!!

Well, I won't lie. I do enjoy going out with my friends at nighttime. Who says moms cant have a social life? We are regular human beings too! In fact, we may need to go out more than other people to relax and relieve some stress.

I hate it when people have negative comments to say about me when I go out. I leave my baby with the people I trust the most - my parents. They treat him like their own. PLUS, I don't leave the house until Jonah is sleeping, so he doesn't even know I'm gone! All my parents have to do is sleep close to him so that they can hear if (which he wont) wake up. Not a lot of work for them either.

So..other moms..don't feel any way if you want to go out. You go out..and have fun.


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Bath Time!

I think that Bath Time is one of Jonah's favorite activity for the day. As I tell him "Bath Time" is eyes light up!
He does, however, hate shampooing. He gets angry with me when I put shampoo in his hair! But too bad for him, it has to be done.

But back to the fun part. He splashes and jumps around and play in his lil tub with his floating boats and balls. He never gets tired of his bathtime toys.He loves the "fishies" and he loves when I put bubbles in the tub too.


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Albums completed!

After a lot of hard work, I can say that I've finally finished Jonah's picture albums (well, up to now). I've been sooo behind for a long time. The only pictures I had in the album were of his birth. But about two months ago, I printed over a hundred pictures at Chetumal. I've organized them during my free time, and now they are all in!
I've labeled the albums in order..and it looks great standing up on the shelves! Now, Jonah can always go back to those albums (and so can I) to reminisce.

I suggest that all other parents have organized albums of their kids' childhood. We need pictures to remind us of the bring back memories! And don't wait too long to print the pics out and putting them in the'll get lazy like i did! As you take pictures, you should have them printed shortly after.
I'm sure your kids will appreciate the time and effort put in those albums!


Saturday, 2 April 2011

Hates doctors

Every time we have to take Jonah to the doctor, it’s a problem. He even remembers the building from the outside. So as we get near it, he starts screaming and crying. Even to weigh him is a big problem. The only way we can weigh him is if I get on the scale with him (then I get on the scale by myself and we subtract the two).
Then, to get him in the doctor’s office is one of the hardest tasks. He fights and kicks everyone around. It’s such a shame too, because his doctor, Wendy Rios, is a sweet and caring woman. She is so gentle and kind with him. He probably thinks that she will give him an injection for each visit..but it’s not like that. He should realize by now that it’s not always bad! Sometimes we just take him for a little check up.
I gotta talk to him and let him realize that it’s for his own good!

Friday, 1 April 2011


I am sooo excited to say that...JONAH IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED!
Ahh, it feels so good to say that. We had a rough start though. First, he hated wearing briefs. He much preferred diapers - yes, it is weird. And he always made mistakes, especially the first week. I was always washing dirty briefs and cleaning pee on the floor. Oh the joy...

But at least now I can say that it was all worth it. He barely ever makes mistakes. He always informs us when he wants to go to the bathroom. I must also mention that we now don't have to buy diapers! yay! Those were really expensive!

Now, the next task is to make him go through the night in briefs. I normally change him to a diaper while he is asleep, because he sleeps in my bed and I wouldn't want him peeing in it...
Most days I notice that the diaper is completely dry. But some days he did pee. So, maybe when he's older I'll push it. But for now, all I'll do is take him to the bathroom and hope for the best!


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Rocking Chair is an Excellent Investment!

I do believe that a Rocking Chair is a necessity for kids..and for parents. I've had a rocking chair ever since Jonah was born, and I swear it's my savior. When Jonah was a baby, that was the only way I could calm him down, or stop him from crying. I used to be on that rocking chair for the majority of the day. And now that he is older, it is the only way I can get him to bed at night. I don't know why, but putting him to sleep during the day and putting him to sleep at night are two different things. During the day it's so much easier. But at night, he never wants to stop watching the TV.

When I turn off the TV, all hell breaks loose.He screams and cries and throws a tantrum. And my old faithful rocking chair is the only way he calms down. I would put him in my arms, rock him, and sick him lullabys. It always get him to bed (and gets him to stop crying).

So for you mom who are buy a rocking chair! It can be very helpful!


Sunday, 27 March 2011


I am pleasantly surprised at how much Jonah loves reading (well, me reading to him). I saw on a Nick Jr. commercial that parents should read to their child 20 minutes a day to encourage a love of reading and school. Ever since I saw that commercial a couple months ago, I decided that this must be implemented into my daily routine with Jonah. So, I normally read him a short little story as he wakes up (about 5 minutes long). But when I put him to sleep for naptime in the afternoon is when most of the reading gets done. He knows that when its time for a nap I would read him a long story. Some of the books I prefer are the classic fairy tales (Snow White, Aladdin, etc) or the Nursery Rhymes, and also Lion King. We have tons of books but some of them are really too short. I don't know of many places in Belize that would sell good children books; I need to do some research on that. But for right now, my little collection is enough.

Jonah enjoys the reading, I'm sure of it. He always chooses the book himself and brings it to me. When the story is done, he sometimes gets upset. I dont know why, because he should know that if he wants, I am very willing to read another one!

But all in all I'm happy that he enjoys reading right now. I hope thats a positive sign for the future. I hope Jonah is as studious as I am!


Friday, 25 March 2011

Good work at school

Both Jonah and I have been doing good at school.
Last week Jonah brought home at least 15 papers that he has done. He colors pictures and he does some writing (of numbers). I am happy that we decided to send him to school so early because he comes home saying new things like..he pointed at my shirt and said "pink". (and he was right).
He is also counting from 1-4 correctly, (then he skips 5) and he says 6-8. but he's getting there!

Now for me, I'm also doing pretty good in class. I did a cute video for my health science self improvement project (check it out at the end). I know te editing isn't perfect..but it's the first time I used this program.
As of right now,  I have six A's and one C+. That ugly grade is really getting to me..I've been trying to bring it up but I just can't. i hope a miracle happens on exam day or something....


Thursday, 24 March 2011

Hair Cut

Jonah went for his first professional hair cut today. Of course, he didn't know how to keep still. First, he refused to put on the coat...soo all the hair dropped over his neck and body (which of course itched him to death).
The hairdresser was very patient with him though. She brought him a lil snack which occupied him for a while and gave him a lil seat his size to sit on. He was amazed with the bottle that she uses to spray that became his toy. He played with it the whole time and really didn't give much trouble! I was pleasantly surprised!

Here is the before and after pictures. It's not the best pics, but you get the idea.


Wednesday, 23 March 2011


I wonder if I should be worried about this. Jonah is really a wild child sometimes. It's like when we say "No" he is thinking in his mind "yes"
We tell him leave the outlets alone, but he does the opposite. We tell him put down the camera, and he runs with it. We tell him he can't have coke, and he goes for it in the get the idea.
Also, he really has a lot of energy. Seems like too much energy to me. He runs around all the a really dangerous speed. He is always falling down or bumping into things. He never wants to just sit and relax, unless the TV is on.

He also loves to throw things down on the floor - cups, empty soda bottles, papers, books, etc.
He just seems a bit too wild for me. The part that I don't like is his biting. He recently discovered his biting skills, and bites people for no reason. I am really annoyed with that horrible habit, and I'm trying to make him get out of it. I just dont know how. I've put him in time out, gave him a lil spanking, even bit him back. Nothing seems to work. I just gotta be patient with him I guess..I hope he gets rid of this habit soon though! For all the other moms with these problems..good luck and keep trying!


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

A Dog Lover..

It amazes me how everyday I realize something new about Jonah. I mean, i see and hear the stuff he does...but sometimes they just don't click.
But today I realized that Jonah is just like my dad, my brother, and I. We love dogs..and so does he. I just came to the conclusion earlier today how much he loves the four dogs we have in the neighborhood. I asked him, "Do you wanna go see Steph and Gaby?" and he replies "DREAM!" (Dream = Steph & Gaby's dog). It's like he completely ignored his two cousins and only thought about their dog.

And then, later tonight we were walking outside and somehow he spotted little Winkles. She is so brown and tiny that she basically blends in with the ground..but Jonah couldn't miss her! He hugged her up and pulled her all around. Poor lil dog probably always gets frightened when she sees Jonah!

I hope Jonah stays a dog lover like our family is :)


Sunday, 20 March 2011

He grows TOO fast!

I'm sure all moms can agree on one thing: our kids grow way too fast!
Firstly, it's sad to think of how fast they are growing, because when they hit a certain stage, we (the parents) won't be their best friends anymore :( They'll forget all about us. Infact, they won't even want to be seen with us! So I know all of us gotta take advantage of all the love and affection we get from them...and the love and affection we can give TO them (soon they also won't want to get hugs and kisses from us).

But that's only the emotional aspect to it. There's more..THE PHYSICAL! Jonah outgrows his clothes really quickly! I feel like as I buy him a couple outfits, he outgrows them within a month or two. So now I buy them a couple sizes bigger..but still he only wears them once or twice! I never get my money's worth. I even make sure that I always get cheap clothes or stuff on sale...because seriously, a child is expensive!..but we love them to death! :) <3


Saturday, 19 March 2011

Talk, Talk, Talk

No, I'm not referring to myself. Jonah actually talks more than me! I KNOW I like to talk..but he LOVES it. Although he can't speak properly, he really is trying! He's a trooper! As he wakes up, he wants to have a big converstation with me. I wish i could understand what he was saying. But I know for sure the first thing he says is "Morning!" He already has manners :)

I guess because he loves talking so much, when we're out in public, he always says hello to people. If we're at some place like Save U and I put him down, he'll tap people on their backs to get their attention and hold a conversation with them.

I just gotta teach him from now that he shouldn't be too friendly with strangers! I wouln't want him to go talking to the wrong person, he's such an innocent, sweet lil thing.


Thursday, 17 March 2011

He might be...AN ARTIST!

Yesterday we went to two of my uncle's houses. At the first house, Jonah discovered a guitar. He absolutely loved it! My cousin was showing him a few tricks, and he really didn't sound bad at all! He sounded pretty good to be a two year old! He didn't want to let it go..he really fell in love with this instrument.

Later that day we went to my other uncle's house, where he found a real drum set. He really beat that thing too loud and rough. Thankfully my uncle also had the smaller Garifuna-like drums. And when he calmed down and started to listen to my uncle, he played it pretty well too! He had rhythm. Maybe we have roots in Dangriga or something? HAHA. So it seems.

Jonah really is a natural! I will definitely encourage him to play an instrument or two from now! Who knows, he might become famous :p


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Da Weh Dat?

OK, I can finally say I'm addicted to a website. And SURPRISINGLY, it is a BELIZEAN website! It's soo hilarious! The website is It includes REALLY, REALLY funny videos like "female bavist" or "male bavist". If you're a true Belizean, you'll laugh your heart out!

Anyway, my point is that I feel proud that this Belizean website has become so popular. We are finally supporting one of our own! My friends are always talking about this website, and I always see links on facebook from the website too. Even my parents have heard about it! It's really becoming well-known.

But not only does the site contain funny videos, it also contains influential and important stuff too, like facts about Belize, Belizean poetry and top students. So it also includes the positive work of Belizeans!
I really love this site..check it out!!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Sick Family

Both Jonah and I were sick this weekend.....NOT GOOD.
Mom and baby can't be sick together! But it happened. I couldn't go to two of my classes this morning and he didn't go to daycare today either.
Thank God both of us [seem] fine for right now. Hopefully we'll have a good night sleep tonight! Last night we both had a horrible sleep.
That's it for other updates!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Ahh, School!!

SOO I'm referring to two schools here. Jonah's school and my school. I'll talk about them separately, but they both have one thing in common. STRESS.

Jonah goes to school (well, daycare) three days for the week. He's only two so he really doesn't have to go. But we like the idea of him socializing with other kids and learning stuff like the abc's. It's better than having him at home doing nothing at all! Anyway, the problem is that I have to wake up wayy earlier (like an hour earlier) to get him ready for school. I guess it's really not that stressful, but welll...I love my sleep. Also, the night before, I have to pack his snack and juice plus get a bag ready for him - too much things to remember for a teen - LOL. Doing good so far though!

Anyway, the real stress lies within my school. I don't think that I get an unbearable amount of work, but because of Jonah, I don't have as much time. I can't start my school work until my mom reaches home, which is about 6:00. Then she needs to eat and shower..or do whatever she needs to do. Then she watches Jonah for me so that I can work. I really don't start my work until 7:00. I take pretty long to study for a test, so by the time I finish studying, it's around 9:00. I haven't even started homework yet. If I have essays, that's another couple hours. Accounting homework can take up to an hour as well.
But it's all possible to do - once I use proper time management. Some days I don't have much work for the following day. But I still make sure I read ahead or do work that's due later. I never go home and do no school work at all. Also, everyday I make a [mental] schedule of what I need to do - from the most important to the least. And sometimes I even allot time to the subjects to ensure I finish on time and get enough sleep.

But me going to school wouldn't be possible without my mom. Many parents kick their daughters out of the house when they find out she is pregnant. Thank God I have the most amazing parents who decided that they will help me as much as possible so that I finish my education. Most girls aren't as lucky as me, though. Most never get a high school education. Most can't afford to pay for everything they need for their baby. So I guess what I'm trying to say is - don't get pregnant? LOL.. Make wise decisions guys!


Saturday, 5 March 2011

Go, Diego, Go!!!!

I've heard that a lot of parents don't let their children watch TV. Or, if they are allowed, then their time is limited. Like half an hour per day. WHAT THE..???
I must say that Jonah is allowed to watch TV basically whenever he wants (once he is well-behaved). Why would I stop my child from watching shows with theme songs like this : "what's gonna work? TEAMWORK!" or, "keep trying, keep trying, don't give up!"
Perhaps what parents need to do is prohibit their kids from watching inappropriate shows, not prohibit TV altogether. I mean, this new generation is all about technology!! Why stop your kids from keeping up with technology?!
Once used properly, TV can be something positive. Most shows on Nick Jr. are quite educational. Dora the Explorer and Diego teaches Spanish and how to be creative. Ni Hao, Kailan teaches Mandarin. And there's soo much more!
I don't believe, however, that parents should use TV as a kind of babysitter for their kids. Don't push your kids in front of the TV for hours and hours so that you can paint your nails or do whatever. We still need to be interactive with our kids..take them outside for a walk, paint and color with them, take them to swim, or whatever activity you guys find best!
So remember, use TV wisely and it can be a positive tool.


Sunday, 27 February 2011

Love for the Outdoors

This weekend it came to my realization that I'm constantly taking Jonah outside. He really loves the outdoors. My family and I live in the same "neighborhood." So all of my neighbors are cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We're really close to one another. So every time Jonah and I go for a walk outside, we meet a relative and they also hang with us. So it's always fun for him.
We also have a tennis court and swimming pool here. He loves to play ball on the court, and some days he likes to swim. I don't understand why, but it's like Jonah and the pool have a love-hate relationship. One day Jonah loves the pool and doesn't want to get out, and the next day he refuses to get it..or screams and cries as I put him in. It's weird. Oh well, this weekend he enjoyed it. The weather was perfect for the pool!
I really like that Jonah is an outdoorsy boy! I think when kids are involved in sports or other after school activities, they are less likely to do negative stuff. Like me, I wasn't involved in any extra curricular activities. I wonder if I was in ballet, or played a sport, maybe I wouldn't get pregnant. I don't know. It's just a thought. Of course, Jonah coming into my life has been a blessing; he's changed me for the positive. And I'll make sure I finish my education to be the best mom I can be! I think my education will have a lot to do with Jonah's future.

Well, thats it for now!

Picky Eater

If there's anyone who knows what a picky eater is, it's ME. I myself am a picky eater, but Jonah is ten times worse than I am! All he wants is chips, cookies, chocolates, and lollipops. He's not picky when it comes to junk of course! But when it comes to the real meals..he doesn't like much! I've recently discovered that he likes bread with strawberry jam. At least that's better than chips! Almost everyday I offer him this sandwich. So to the other moms, try jam! Especially the nicer ones like strawberry and grape. Also, I've realized that he likes sausage. He won't eat a hot-dog, but he'll eat the sausage (he loves the one that is filled with cheese). Oh! he also loves cheese, how did I forget that?!
Basically what I'm trying to say is..parents, have patience with your kids' eating habits. We just need to try all kinds of things - they will like SOMETHING! And let's not try to give into the junk food! No junk food until after they eat their meal - that's what I always tell Jonah.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Birthday Party!!

Jonah had his 2nd birthday party on the 15th of January. It was really a blast for the kids (see pictures at the bottom). I don't understand why some parents don't throw parties for their kids' birthdays. I can understand if they don't have the finances, because these parties are quite pricey. But if they can afford it, why not? The birthday boy/girl is the prince/princess for the day. Just ONE day. I think they deserve it. They receive attention from EVERYONE! And of course, they have TONS of fun playing games, bursting the pinata, and eating cake.
It's also fun for the parents getting everything ready. I enjoyed planning the party and decorating; I enjoy seeing Jonah smile and laugh! We invited my dad's employee's kids to the party, and it really broke my heart when they said they had never seen a pinata before. They were 8 and 6 years old. Basically, they had never seen a party in their lives. Besides Jonah, I think those two kids had the most fun.

So, if you have the money, give your kid a party! Let them feel EXTRA special on his/her day!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Hey guys!
My name is Larisa, and my blog is for all you moms (and even dads) who want to read my experiences with my child, or who want to share their experiences with their child. What makes my blog different from all the others done by moms? Well, perhaps the fact that I'm a TEEN MOM. I got pregnant when I was sixteen years old. BUT, I must say that my young age changes nothing. I love and care for my child the same way other parents do. I get frustrated after being up for hours and hours in the wee hours in the morning just like other parents do. 
Yes, I've made mistakes in the past, but I'm trying to correct them now. I don't want my child to make the same mistakes I've done.

Now, I'm nineteen years old, and my son, Jonah, is two years old. I'd like to think that I've been through the worst, but I've heard from more experienced moms that it can, and probably will, get much harder. Only the future can tell!

Hope you guys enjoy all my posts, as I enjoy putting up all these posts!